Back from the Void

Hi! I’m back from the void (aka the creative space that I disappear to periodically, aka where I am when I’ve taken too long to reply to your texts). Been writing and dancing and reading through all of the beautiful responses to the online form for Portal.

Thank you so much to everyone who’s been supporting my work so far: friends and family as well as all of the people from my community who checked out my website and filled out the form. Your responses reminded me of why I want to make this work in the first place. It’s for us.✨🤲🏽

44 people reached out for 8 spots and I wish I could have included everyone! Just sent out some emails, so check your inbox if you let me know that you were interested in this project. I love you all and I’m so grateful for your support.

Stay tuned for more updates and insights into my creative process for this work. Thanks for being here.

Gesiye at the waterfall

Photo by Tracy Assing.